Selection Process

We select the required persons by many sources.

  • After receiving personal requirements from you, our Agency will acknowledge the same by fax.
  • The Agency will develop the list of candidates by advertisement, and by other sources i.e. data bank and personal contact, from Walk-in-applicant etc.
  • The Agency will pre screen candidate’s visa interviews or reviews of the applications resumes visa written test.
  • The Agency will screen all applications by briefings candidates credentials with regards to education, experience, age etc.
  • The Agency will send to your establishment the CVs of all the acceptable candidates as determined by the agency.
  • If interviews by appropriate company’s personnel are required, on company’s advice the Agency will issue the interview schedule and inform the candidates accordingly.
  • The Agency will arrange interview schedules, hotel accommodations for company’s interviewers and will provide all necessary interview Assistance including required clerical assistance.
  • The Agency will arrange the medical test of the successful candidates and process their various in light of existing rules.
  • After completion of documentations formalities the Agency will arrange air Ticket for the selected candidates and intimate establishment about their arrival through fax.


We have a very comprehensive CVs Bank. Normally candidates are selected from this. However we also advertise the requirements in leading Newspapers.


After receiving the applications a panel of professionals select the Candidates. Then we wait for the instructions of our principals for final selection. After selection candidates are sent for comprehensive medical check up from the G.C.C approved medical center. At the end passports are submitted in the Consulate for Visa endorsement.


Our services for local jobs are absolutely free. For foreign jobs, the service charges are negotiable. Some companies pay the service charges, whereas others want these charges to be paid by the candidates. Some time we advertise for the client and ad charges are also included either in service charges or the expenditures is equally distributed. However service charges are always mutually negotiated during recruitment.