August 2, 2023

7 Ways Excessive Drinking Can Cause Vision Problems

blurry vision after drinking alcohol

Not only can drinking contribute to DED, but it may also make existing DED symptoms worse. Dry eye symptoms can persist even after stopping drinking, and alcohol withdrawal may cause issues with tear production. Consuming alcohol may increase dehydration, promote inflammation, and disrupt vitamin transport — all factors that can negatively affect tear quality and quantity. Tear production is one of many functions that disrupted nerve signaling can affect.

Alcohol and Cataract

You might not see very well on your right and left sides, which can cause you to ignore objects on your sides. This may also give you the effect or perception of having tunnel vision. Law enforcement officers assess several alcohol-induced changes to the eyes when performing a field sobriety test on a suspected impaired driver.

Permanent Effects of Alcohol on Eye Health

blurry vision after drinking alcohol

For the last six years, her writing focus has been on addiction and mental health issues. We will set up a plan and treatment options to sustain and improve your vision. So, adding these protective nutrients to your diet can reduce the chances of developing eye diseases such as AMD. Studies showed that alcohol reduced vision in low-illumination environments, especially at night.

blurry vision after drinking alcohol

Empowering Australians to make better health choices

Individuals may experience the typical blurred vision where objects, texts, or faces may be challenging to identify. To understand the amount of alcohol required to affect vision, we first must discuss alcohol blood levels. Without proper tear function, your eyes become dry, and you’re less likely to blink away debris or clear out bacteria and viruses that may lead to infection. We think of our patients as family and have been leaders in eye care since 1981. Our modern advanced technology and friendly and supportive staff have led to our being one of the premier eye care and centers for surgery on the western coast of Florida. At Florida Eye Specialists and Cataract Institute, we are proud to deliver personal service that has ensured the satisfaction of our patients.

Are There Any Long-Term Health Effects from Drinking Too Much Alcohol on My Eyes and Vision?

Though these aren’t eye diseases, the first signs of these conditions are often seen in the eyes as part of a comprehensive eye exam. Signs of heart disease include optic neuropathy, atrophy, bleeding in the retina from vascular occlusions, and even hypertensive retinopathy. Liver issues can be detected by the whites of your eyes taking on a yellowish hue, which indicates problems with the liver. At Optometrists’ Clinic Inc., our eye doctors can spot the early stages of eye diseases like macular degeneration during a general eye exam. We also provide solutions for dry eyes and other eye health problems.Contact us today to schedule an exam and consult one of our optometrists in Edmonton, Westlock or Leduc.

Treatments for eye-related issues with alcohol

Excessive alcohol also slows down the reaction time of the pupils, meaning they cannot dilate and will constrict to allow in appropriate levels of light. In this situation, the ability to see colors and shades becomes impaired. Formerly, Tyler studied Aeronautics (just like his brother) with the dream of becoming an airline pilot, however, after 9/11 his career path changed. After graduating top of his class with a Bachelor of Science in Informational Technologies and Administrative Management, he joined Rebuild Your Vision in 2002. Sensitivity to light is probably the most well-known side effect of a hangover. This vision problem can also affect inebriated people however they may have had too much to drink to remember.

Once you’ve treated the underlying cause, your blurry vision should improve. Fuchs’ corneal dystrophy is more common in women than men, with symptoms typically developing around age 50. If you experience worsening eye allergies in the mornings, the problem might be dust mites or pet dander in your bedroom. Tears lubricate, nourish, and protect your eyes, and you’re constantly producing tears even while asleep. However, dehydration from excessive consumption might exacerbate the perception of floater and make the vitreous more noticeable.

An eye dilation exam also helps diagnose the cause of blurry vision. Your doctor will place special eyedrops in your eyes to widen your pupil, which then allows your doctor to see the back of your eyes. This can trigger blurry vision in the mornings, as well as tearing and eye burning. Aside from the side effects listed above, there are many other ways that excessive alcohol affects the eyes. Bloodshot eyes, or red eyes, can indicate many things; allergies, infections, or lack of sleep. This happens when the blood vessels in the eye become irritated and enlarged.

This article reviews how alcohol can affect vision, the possible short- and long-term effects, treatments, and more. See a doctor if your blurry vision occurs regularly, lasts throughout the day, or if you experience other symptoms along with blurriness. For example, if cornea swelling causes blurry vision, your doctor may prescribe eyedrops to remove excess water from your cornea. In the case of eye allergies, however, taking an antihistamine can reduce allergy symptoms and stop blurriness.

  1. These involuntary eye movements can cause your eyes to jump in every which way.
  2. Aside from the side effects listed above, there are many other ways that excessive alcohol affects the eyes.
  3. Even with treatment, over 30% of individuals will still have some permanent damage.
  4. Methanol reacts with normal biological eye processes, leading to permanent damage of vital nerves that send images to the brain.
  5. You may also experience inflammation of the eye and double vision that causes burning and itching of the eyes, migraines, and extreme light sensitivity.

Acute optic neuropathy secondary to methyl alcohol consumption is a serious ocular disease with permanent vision loss or scotoma. Prenatal exposure to ethanol may end in fetal alcohol spectrum disease, where ocular findings are a constant component. Alcohol consumption can temporarily impair visual performance, resulting in double or blurred vision. As a diuretic, alcohol-associated liver disease alcohol use dehydrates the body, leading to itchy, dry, and bloodshot eyes. Acute alcohol intoxication can also slow pupil reactions to changes in light, which can hinder someone’s vision in bright or dim environments. It can also impair color perception and peripheral vision, decrease contrast sensitivity, and cause abnormal or rapid eye movements.

Alcohol causes dehydration, which can trigger dry eyes and blurriness. Sometimes, however, your nightly tears can dry on the surface of your eyes, causing blurry, hazy vision in the morning. Blinking a few times after waking up can remoisten your cornea and get rid of blurriness. Well, alcohol slows down the communication between neurotransmitters in the brain. Neurotransmitters are necessary for the brain to communicate with the rest of the body and vice versa. A delayed communication between the brain and the eyes causes the muscles in the eyes to weaken and lose coordination.