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We are proud in saying that we have the ability to cope all the services related to overseas employment. We assist our clients in conducting test and interviews of the candidates.
Machhiana Overseas Employment Promoters is your partner in searching for an employee or an employer. We are proud in saying that we have the ability to cope all the services related to overseas employment. We assist our clients in conducting test and interviews of the candidates.
After the selection of the candidate we can also manage the travel arrangements for abroad. We also have good relationship with traveling agencies which offers a pretty much good discount to our customers.
We want to provide our clients with world-class, personalized service and to provide Pakistani the opportunity to work overseas specially in Middle East. believe that Pakistani workers are very talented, competent and reliable. We want to put them in the global market.
Tapping this vast resource of experience and expertise of Mr. Nadir Khan, MACHHIANA Overseas Employment came into being in 1995 and has since been thriving under his leadership. He is not only qualified with a business management educational background but is also comprehensively trained in every aspect of this field’s operation. MACHHIANA Employment’s clientele can be confident that this is a company which is “Looking into the Present with a Vision for the Future”, as this is a family business of Machhiana’s.
Our establishment is familiar name in the field of Employment export having vast knowledge and experience in this particular field. We would like to draw your kind attention towards the marvelous Employment resources available in Pakistan in various fields and categories.
if we are entrusted with the responsibility; we ensure proper selection in accordance with the employers requirements. Please follow chart for procedure of recruitment.
After receiving the applications a panel of professionals select the Candidates. Then we wait for the instructions of our principals for final selection.
If your are a job-seeker and in search of a better career, you have reached at the right place. We don’t charge any registration fee.
Tapping this vast resource of experience and expertise of Mr. Nadir Khan, MACHHIANA OEP came into being in 1995 and has since been thriving under his leadership.